Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Los Angeles Times Investigates U-Haul.

The L.A. Times published the findings of a three-part investigation of U-Haul:

Driving with rented risks
In the first part (6/24/07), the Times investigation finds the company's practices raise the risk of accidents on the road.

Upkeep lags in U-Haul's aging fleet
In the second part (6/25/07), the Times found many trucks have high mileage and safety checks were often overdue; customers describe breakdowns and accidents.

Key trial evidence goes missing
Injured customers suing U-Haul over accidents have sought key equipment, only to find it lost or discarded (6/26/07).

Monday, June 25, 2007

Ruling struck at "Just Say Yes" reservations policy in CA.

From the L.A. Times (6/25/07):

Ruling struck at reservations policy.
U-Haul agents are told to accept all reservations, even if they don't know if equipment will be available.

U-Haul customers who have seethed over botched reservations were vindicated last year when a California judge ruled that the company had engaged in "unlawful and fraudulent business practices."